About Dr. Siebecker
Instructor Qualifications - Allison Siebecker, ND, MSOM, LAc
![]() Dr. Siebecker is Instructor of Advanced Gastroenterology at NUNM, the 2021 lifetime achievement Borborygmus award recipient from the Gastroenterology Association of Naturopathic Physicians, and the original force behind SIBO awareness and education in the Naturopathic profession.
Clinical Experience Dr. Siebecker has specialized in SIBO since 2011, treating only SIBO patients in her practice and serving as a second and third opinion referral doctor for patients who have failed previous treatments. This perspective has allowed her to identify pitfalls in SIBO care and how to overcome them to increase success (which she shares in her teaching). Teaching Experience Dr. Siebecker created and began teaching the first-ever SIBO curriculum at a medical university (Advanced Gastroenterology at NUNM) in 2013. She's been teaching physicians, medical students and patients internationally since 2010 - through conference lectures, online classes, podcasts and her free educational website siboinfo.com. She has taught over 6,000 students in continuing education conferences alone (see list below). Many of her students and patients have gone on to become SIBO specialists and teachers, teaching alongside her at conferences and in their own SIBO courses, websites and books. Her teaching style is informal and friendly, with a focus on making the complex understandable. SIBO Pioneer Dr. Siebecker first introduced SIBO to the Naturopathic profession in 2010 at the annual AANP conference. In 2011, Dr. Siebecker created the first online resource for SIBO, the free informational website siboinfo.com. In 2011, to help patients who couldn't afford elemental diet treatment, she created the Homemade Elemental Diet Recipes and co-created the Herbal Antibiotic SIBO protocols, both offered for free on siboinfo.com and used by thousands today. In 2012, to help SIBO patients struggling with what to eat, she created the SIBO Specific Food Guide (called the SIBO Diet by most) also offered for free on siboinfo.com. Her diet has been adapted into other SIBO diets by former students/colleagues. She co-created the first SIBO specialty clinic in 2013 (SIBO Center for Digestive Health at NUNM); the first-ever SIBO conference in 2014 (NUNM SIBO Symposium); and the first online-only SIBO conferences in 2017 (SIBO SOS Summits). Dr. Siebecker continues pioneering - her 2020 SIBO conference, Next Steps for Treating Tough SIBO, was the first focused exclusively on treatments for recalcitrant SIBO. |
"Dr. Siebecker has fundamentally changed medicine, not just Naturopathic medicine, but medicine. Her work has improved the quality of medicine practiced by many, many professionals."
- Dr. Ilana Gurevich "A true scholar on this subject matter. She is so generous, and coming from such a good place." - Sanaz Ebriani, NC "Beautiful teaching, concise, clear and easy to understand. You seem to answer my questions as they pop up in my mind." - Ellen Steens |
"One of those doctors who straddles the worlds of education, research and clinical practice with apparent ease and generosity towards those who wish to learn from her"
- Dr. Penel Houghton
- Dr. Penel Houghton
Dr. Siebecker's Continuing Education Conference Presentations
SIBO Symposium, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2018, 2019.
Integrative SIBO Conference (SIBO Con), 2017, 2018, 2019. Advanced Applications in Chronic Digestive Illness (AAMP Conference), 2020. The Forum for Integrative Medicine, 2019. Integrative Healthcare and Applied Nutrition Conference, 2019, 2021. Gastroenterology Association of Naturopathic Physicians Conference, 2018, 2019. GI Health Foundation: IBS Prime, 2017, 2018, 2020. GI Health Foundation: Advances in IBS, 2016, 2017, 2018. Nova Scotia Naturopathic Conference, 2019. Hawaii Doc Talks Conference, 2016, 2018. Nutritional Therapy Association Annual Conference, 2017. Australian SIBO Summit, 2017. Gut Instinct Conference, 2016. The Gut Brain Practitioner Seminar, 2016. New Hampshire Association Naturopathic Doctors Conference, 2015. Maryland Naturopathic Doctor Association, 2015. Food as Medicine Conference, 2015. Functional Medicine University, 2015, 2020. 13th Annual Scleroderma Foundation Seminar, 2014. |
NUNM GI Conference, 2014, 2021. Weston A Price Foundation Annual Conference, 2014. Ancestral Health Symposium, 2013. British Columbia Naturopathic Association Annual Conference, 2013. American Association of Naturopathic Physicians Conference, 2010, 2016. |
Curriculum Vitae
- Co-Founder & Former Medical Director: SIBO Center for Digestive Health at NUNM Clinic (2013- 2015)
- Co-Founder: NUNM SIBO Symposium (2014), Curriculum Coordinator (2014-2016, 2019)
- Co-Founder: NUNM GI Conference (2014)
- Co-Founder and Curriculum Coordinator SIBO SOS Summits I & II (2017)
- Founder, Curriculum Coordinator: Next Steps for Treating Tough SIBO Conference (2020)
- Gastroenterology Association of Naturopathic Physicians: Continuing Education Committee (2018- present)
- Private Practice: SIBO Specialty. Portland OR (2011- present)
- Private Practice: General Medicine, Functional Endocrinology, Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture. Portland OR (2006- 2010)
- National University of Natural Medicine, Adjunct Faculty: Portland OR (2013- present)
- Instructor: Advanced Gastroenterology, Organ Systems II: Carbohydrate & Protein Digestion & Absorption
- GI Health Foundation: IBS Board of Advisor & Faculty (2016-present)
- 2021 Lifetime Achievement Borborygmus Award, from the Gastroenterology Association of Naturopathic Physicians
- Best of Naturopathy 2015, Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients, for “SIBO: Dysbiosis Has a New Name”, Feb/March 2015.
- Best of Naturopathy 2013, Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients, for “Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth: Often Ignored Cause of Irritable Bowel Syndrome”, Feb/March 2013.
- Best of Naturopathy 2005, Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients, for “Traditional Bone Broth in Modern Health and Disease”, Feb 2005.
- “The Importance and Relevance of IBS in the Female Patient”, Townsend Letter, Feb/March 2014
- “SIBO: The Finer Points of Diagnosis, Test Interpretation, and Treatment”, NDNR, Jan 2014.
- “Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth: Common but Overlooked Cause of IBS”, NDNR, Jan 2013.
- “Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth: The Case of The Perpetual Patient”, NDNR, March 2011.
- Naturopathic Physician, 2006 - present
- Acupuncturist, 2005 - present
- Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine, 2005, National College of Naturopathic Medicine, Portland Or.
- Master of Science Oriental Medicine, 2005, National College of Naturopathic Medicine, Portland Or.
- Bachelor of Arts, 1991, Rutgers University, New Brunswick NJ.